Sunday, February 12, 2012

Religion & gender

How has religion--or the absence of one--impacted your gender?
How has your spiritual path impacted your gender?

this is a big one. the reason i ultimately broke with the Catholic church was that one day in my high school classroom, i was listening to a couple of other girls talk about what they had learned in sex ed in middle school. we were comparing experiences. one of them said that her Catholic school had taught her, "some people are gay and it's ok to be homosexual as long as you don't act on it, but there's no such thing as bisexual." at that moment, i realized that i could no longer be a part of a church that didn't even recognize my existence.

that has continued to seem like a good criterion for a spiritual community. if i ever join a church again, it will need to be a church that has room for my whole experience.

my personal spirituality is a disorganized mess, but when i don't talk too much about it, it tends to find a peaceful equilibrium. much like my gender, come to think of it.